The Year from Jahannam
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Signing Event

On Saturday 19th May 2012, Local author Shams Uddin gave a reading from his original, ground-breaking and thought-provoking new book, The Year from Jahannam. The novel, set in Ealing during the time of the riots, takes the form of a family blog; and follows each member of the family in turn as they begin to experience strange and frightening events which they cannot explain...

Shams Uddin at the Book Launch @Waterstones Ealing

Shams talked about growing up in Ealing and how the area has changed over the years. He also explained the ideas that led to the book being written and read some excepts from the book. He was very pleased to meeting so many of Ealing's book lovers as well as his family, friends and colleagues. He would like to thank sll the many people who came and made this event an unprecedented success for a debut author at Waterstones in Ealing.



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